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Kona Sea View Lots - North Kona
With a majestic view of the Kailua Bay coastline, this completely remodeled 906sf, 2/2 top floor condo is located at the top of the Sea View Circle neighborhood. This split-level fully furnished (turn-key) home features delightful tropical furnishings and décor. The upper level features the kitchen and great room, plus a large lanai overlooking the ocean. Bedrooms and bathrooms are just a few steps down.
This lovely condo was remodeled in 2022, adding stainless steel appliances, oak cabinets, granite countertops and a tile backsplash in the kitchen. Floors are wood laminate throughout; ceiling fans are in the great room and both bedrooms. All rooms feature louvered windows, and the great room and primary bedroom have sliding glass doors.
The primary bedroom faces the ocean and has a nice size lanai. Its furnishings include a king size bed with a bamboo headboard, matching dresser and nightstands; the floor is carpeted. The primary bathroom features granite counters, wood cabinets, glass shower doors, and tiled walls.
The second bedroom is furnished with a wood four-poster bed and nightstands. The hallway bathroom has a new bathtub, ceramic sink and cabinets. The water heater and doors were recently replaced. The unit includes a full-size stacked washer/dryer, sun shades on both lanais, a designated parking spot and storage unit, both located in the covered garage on the lower level.
The well managed condo complex has a saltwater swimming pool with a newly refinished deck, BBQ area, covered kitchen/eating area, and lush garden space. There is also an elevator, multiple guest parking spots, and lovely landscaping. Rentals are allowed, with a minimum of 30 days. The monthly association fee, currently $810, includes water, trash removal, landscaping, pest control, pool, waste water treatment system and elevator maintenance, along with exterior insurance and common area maintenance. Pets are permitted, with Board of Directors approval.
77-305 Kalani Way 16 Kailua-Kona 96740 is listed Courtesy of Compass
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