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Single Family Home in Makalei Estates - North Kona Hawaii
Magnificent 180 degree Ocean view and Amazing sunsets with a 60’ Infinity edge pool, an oversized spa, a fire pit and so much more on 3 stunning acres! PV! Privacy!
Step into this beautiful 4 bedroom, 4.5 bath with an office, estate residence with the exclusivity and tranquility of staying at a luxury resort! The 4th bedroom/bath is a separate wing of the house for added privacy. The owners have taken great care of their home over the years and have added luxury amenities such as a 70 ft Infinity edge pool with a stunning rock wall fountain feature splashing into the pool. The oversized spa is just off the pool for additional enjoyment, and a large percentage of the stunning landscape is commercial grade artificial Turf, then close by the pool and spa is the built-in fire pit. Are you a golfer? Added also is a 7 hole artificial turf putting course for fun and entertainment!
Below on the lower 3 acres is a beautifully maintained fruit orchard surrounded with high nutritional mulch, not only to enhance the health of the trees but keeps weeds in check! All kinds of varieties including mango, sapote, limes, lemons, banana’s, avocado, white pineapple and lots more! ( 30+ trees) All are irrigated with separate water access.
This custom home is everything your looking for with a Hawaiian fusion of exquisite stone flooring and wood finishes of African Mahogany, Ohia and more.
The chef’s kitchen is expansive with top of the line appliances including a gas Viking stove, a Jennair double oven, Sub Zero refrigerator and more!
The craftsmanship is truly stunning! Each bedroom has it's own exquisitely detailed bathroom dressed in beautiful granite through out. Step out of the granite laced showers of the primary bath and guest suite, and you step into a beautifully designed out door shower area just like at the resorts!
The landscaping has aesthetic tropical ambiance and is masterfully designed. Stunning gated entrance! 2-2 car garages.
72-4122 Puu Iu Pl Kailua-Kona 96740 is listed Courtesy of Premier Island Properties Llc
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