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Single Family Home
Sunset View Terrace Lots - North Kona
This unique three-bedroom, two-bath Hawaii-style home overlooking the ocean offers stunning sunset and coastline views from the expansive lanai and all throughout the front of the house, including the living room, kitchen and front bedroom.
The property encompasses 10,000 square feet of land with over 1,500 square feet of livable space in the coveted Sunset subdivision, which has no HOA. The open-concept home features vaulted living room ceilings and Brazilian cherry wood floors, and the bedrooms have been outfitted with California Closets storage solutions. There is also a cozy second lanai off the kitchen with views of the ocean.
An enclosed, intimate backyard with Trex outdoor decking is lined with cinnamon, avocado and lime trees, which along with plumerias and palms sprinkled throughout the property shield the house with privacy. There is ample storage downstairs, with potential for conversion into a closed-in space.
A 7.2 kW PV system, comprising 18 LG solar panels and 10.8 kwH energy storage, is capable of fully powering the home off grid. Wholly owned and fully paid off, the solar system is currently connected to the grid and participating in Hawaiian Electric's CGS+ program, selling extra energy to the utility every month it has been in operation. The lithium iron phosphate (LFP) eFlex battery system is in excellent health and can be further expanded. The whole system is still under warranty.
The house has a new washer and dryer, stainless-steel refrigerator and split AC unit in the master bedroom. It has been updated with automated, programmable shades for the large sliding doors in the living room and the kitchen window.
This property truly offers the best of Kona living. It’s close to town, the shops and restaurants on Ali’i Drive, the Walua walking/biking trail just a block away, and of course the beaches — snorkeling at Kahalu’u, surfing at Lymans and boogie boarding at Magic Sands are all within a 5-minute drive.
77-6479 Leilani St Kailua-Kona 96740 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Life
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