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Single Family Home
White Sands Beach Estates Subdivision - North Kona
Experience the charm of this quintessential beach house nestled in the fantastic Kahalu’u-Magic Sands corridor. A single level, 3 bedroom, 2 bath home that has an open floor plan with a wonderful island vibe. The floor plan is welcoming and spacious, with vaulted, beamed ceilings in the living and dining rooms and an open concept kitchen with a beautiful koa breakfast bar. The primary suite is at the back of the house, spanning the entire width of the home with plenty of room for a sitting area and bedroom - plus an over-sized and beautifully renovated bath. The suite is very peaceful and quiet – a haven! The other two bedrooms easily fit queen size beds and dressers. Many upgrades made over the past five years – a new roof, new solar water heater, insulated attic over the bedrooms and garage and insulation on the west-facing walls, three attic fans, lots of new windows, and ceiling fans in every major room! The property itself is over 9,000 sq feet of fenced, pet friendly space, with lots of flowers and tropical plants. Per the Seller, this neighborhood is friendly, with sidewalks, street lights, and NO association fees! Just four homes up from Ali’i Drive, with close proximity to Magic Sands, Pahoehoe Beach Park, Kahalu’u Beach Park, and Keauhou Shopping Center! Island living at its best!
77-131 Laaloa Ave Kailua-Kona 96740 is listed Courtesy of Pacific Image Properties
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