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Single Family Home in Ainaloa - Puna Hawaii
NEW CONSTRUCTION! Beautiful 2 Bedroom 1 Bathroom home sitting on aprox. 12,000 sqft of land in the fast developing community of AINALOA. This home has a beautiful sleek modern Farmhouse feel with an all black exterior vaulted ceilings, luxury vinyl plank flooring, solid pine windsor baseboards and door casings/trims, flat panel interior doors Savoy white vanity sliding closet doors, Remote control mewrey fans, Pine accent wall sliding barn door and inside laundry space. Two tones blue lower and white upper shaker style cabinets with stainless handles. Calcatta counters throughout Samsung stainless appliance package. Perfect starter home. Won’t last long. “All comments, data is provided by seller or seller's rep. Buyer to confirm all & hold all parties harmless from any discrepancy data in the mls and advertising. Limited Service–Data Entry Addendum signed by seller/s must be signed by buyer/s with Purchase Contract."
16-2110 Lehua Drive Pahoa 96778 is listed Courtesy of Nathalie Mullinix R. U., Inc. (808) 261-0350
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