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Single Family Home in Ainaloa - Puna Hawaii
Rarely available privately located home in Ainaloa on Sugarcane Lane. Not a through street, so traffic is very light.
This HardiePlank-sided, brightly lit home has the wonderful features that make it a real Hawaii home. The front lanai stretches to both sides on the front of the home and is roomy enough for a group of friends to get together and pass the time. The post and pier construction elevates the home allowing great air circulation and a view of the very colorful planting.
Inside are soaring tongue-in-groove ceilings in the great space that encompasses the kitchen, dining and living rooms. Floor to ceiling windows allow in profuse natural light. The home is being offered fully furnished making for the easiest of moves. No heavy lifting!
Three good size bedrooms with the primary bedroom having its own en suite bathroom. Slate-tiled surround above the tub/shower and linen closet complete the space.
The kitchen is open to the living and dining room. The cook can chat with the guests while preparing a meal. Newer propane stove and stainless steel fridge and dishwasher - all the conveniences at your disposal.
The washer and dryer are steps outside the kitchen door. As is the two car carport. Keep dry while unloading your groceries. The convenient layout is welcoming.
Garden tools included. Furniture included. Shelves and chests included. Practically everything you see is included!
16-2126 Sugarcane Ln Pahoa 96778 is listed Courtesy of Savio Realty Ltd. - Puna Office
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