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Single Family Home in Ainaloa - Puna Hawaii
This is it !
Nothing else can compare to the cleanliness, comfort, privacy, and security this oasis has to offer you.
Built to last !
Completely fenced yard: gate is not included in the sale.
The murals reflect the beauty of the Island-style living that invite you to "take a break," and enjoy this special and unique place, located on lovely Hibiscus Drive.
Lovely CLEAN Three Bedroom/three bath home with outdoor concreted-in covered areas for parked cars, entertainment, storage, and other endless possibilities.
The enclosed garage area adds privacy, extended indoor area, "outdoor" living, and ultimate relaxation and entertainment for you and family and friends.
Outdoor features include park-like yard with many trees, flowers and shrubberies which enhance the beautiful landscaping. Follow the cleverly placed steppingstones which flow through the outdoor areas and invite you to take your time, look around, see the landscaped yard, and linger here for a while.
Imagine owing this place that you can call home.
Jacuzzi, storage for outdoor equipment, doggie living/comfort areas, and even a "chicken egg factory," are just a small portion of the many delightful additions you will find at this perfect "hideaway." (The Chicken egg factory and jacuzzi staying with the property, are negotiable)
The indoor living areas are appealing and inviting.
The floorplan of this home brings with it, a flowing ease, creating areas for family enjoyment.
Marble countertops, new appliances and practical cabinetry makes for a chef-like quality everywhere you look.
The unique countertop island in the kitchen was created especially for this home, bringing enjoyment to everyone who sees the quality of workmanship.
The bedrooms are well-placed and offer clean flooring, lots of space and privacy.
16-2167 Hibiscus Dr Pahoa 96778 is listed Courtesy of Millennium Realty
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