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Single Family Home in Fern Acres - Puna Hawaii
Spacious home with loads of special features.Everyone will enjoy this unique home on a unique lot. Plus carport parking for up to 4 vehicles and more space in the drive for large gatherings!
Three bedrooms at one end of this refreshed home and a huge game room/multipurpose room with gorgeous slate tile flooring at the other end gives everyone room to spread out. Smartly designed storage space for your convenience and to keep the holiday decorations out of sight but easily reachable.
The oversized lot will compel the gardener in you to plant a food forest. Harvest juicy oranges and other citrus and plant new trees of your choice. The lot has an abundance of space and potential.
Fern Acres enjoys cooler weather and adequate rain and sun for year 'round growing.
The circular gated driveway is private from the road and has a nice gate with keypad opener that is in need of repair, but has established power to it.
A stone/concrete pond near the house is growing tilapia. Become more food independent!
An above ground pool rounds out your oasis in Fern Acres. Two enclosed catchment tanks with UV filtration provide water for all your needs.
Sold partially furnished. Inventory list available upon request.
Recent upgrades include, but are not limited to:
Freshly powerwashed
New flooring throughout the main home
New fixtures, fans and paint
11-3193 Hibiscus St Mountain View 96771 is listed Courtesy of Savio Realty Ltd. - Puna Office
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