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Single Family Home in Hawaii's Eden Roc Estates - Puna Hawaii
Looking for a comfortable, low-cost, well-built home, that comes fully furnished and move-in ready? This is it! This well thought-out home is set back from the road, offers privacy, and features a convenient circular driveway. Located in Hawaii’s Eden Roc, a Mountain View subdivision, this home is in a cooler elevation climate (~1850 ft.). With high vaulted ceilings in the living room, kitchen, and bedrooms, one has the feeling of unfettered life. The two large and bright bedrooms (12x12ft, 20x10ft), and two full baths are separated by the spacious living room (20x16 ft) and kitchen. The bright kitchen is equipped with a propane gas range, and the pantry houses a clothes washer and new on-demand water heater. The reliable solar power provides ample electricity (NO electricity bills) with 10 solar panels equaling 4,470 watts and a Pure Sine Wave 3,000 watt inverter solar battery charger Victron, a lithium battery 5,200 watts. Tap water is supplied by rain catchment systems. Hawaiian Telcom fiber optic cable provides Ultra Broadband internet.
Two patios are centrally located. The covered patios (25x12 and 16x13) provide morning and afternoon sun, and an easy access to sit outside and enjoy the Hawaii weather, and hear the birds. One acre of land allows ample opportunities for additional outbuildings with numerous possibilities. Annual Road fee is currently $60. Association information may be found at EdenRocEstates.com . The home is in Sold As-Is condition and priced right for a cash sale.
MLS listing details and public records are believed to be accurate, but cannot be guaranteed. Buyers should independently verify any information they consider essential or relevant to their purchase.
11-1849 Wailele St Mountain View 96771 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Properties - Hilo
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