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Single Family Home in Hawaiian Acres - Puna Hawaii
This off-grid multi-unit compound could be yours! with 6 separate structures the possibilities are truly endless!
Upon your arrival you'll be greeted with the first structure, that could be a bedroom or office space! After you walk through the Liliko'i oasis you'll see the large, shared kitchen and gathering area. This large structure is surrounded by 4 other studio-like units that are used as bedrooms, creative spaces and storage.
The structures are located in the beginning acre of this vast 3 acre parcel. However, a long, cleared driveway goes through the second acre and leads to a large, cleared space on the third acre.
Equipped with 8 solar panels, 8 Lps12-285 amp hr batteries and a 24v outback inverter, the current owners enjoy a full sized washer machine, UV filtration system and electricity options throughout.
This property is conveniently located near Volcano and S Enos rd so having to go through the bulk of Hawaiian Acres will not be an issue.
Enjoy gardening your various Island plants which include:
Papaya, apple banana, rollinia, dragon eye, grapefruit, oranges tangerines, lemon, pink lemon, lime, mountain apple, pineapple, Mulberry, Jabotakaba, Brazilian Cherry, lilikoi, sugarcane lemongrass, agave, ulu, Black Sabota, cacao, samoan spinach, rosemary, macadamia nut, Mango, kukui nut
Rainbow eucalyptus, various Hibiscus, wild orchid, Ornamental Orchid Tree, puakenikeni, Tahitian puakenikeni, anthuriums, red jade, variegated hau, lauhala, night blooming Jasmine, various ti leaf, fishtail palms, royal palm, red palm, beetle nut palm, bamboo, white ginger, yellow ginger, awapuhi, song of India, pink Tacoma, monkey pod, Cypress, podocarpus, Brunfelsia pauciflora, Pikake, Gardinia trumpet, trumpet flower, bougainvillea, aloe, various croton, laua’e, ornamental kalo, Monstera, various elephant ear, various ferns, ohia, jackfruit and strawberry guava!
16-1179 Hopue Rd Mountain View 96760 is listed Courtesy of Exp Realty
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