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Single Family Home in Hawaiian Acres - Puna Hawaii
Amazing opportunity to purchase 3 acres of Hawaiian Rainforest Located in Mt.View on the Big Island. This property is partially cleared with a large 45' Bus that could be used to live in while you build a home on the property. (The bus is currently being used for storage, with items to be removed prior to closing.) The Bus has tons of secure storage under the bus with lots of room inside to create a "homey space". There is a propane refrigerator along with kitchen cupboards & shelves for spices. There is a dining area and sleeping area as well. Lots of storage under and along the bus floor for all of your belongings or tools. Bus has four working solar panels with inverter and battery. Internet can be satellite or cable. SSPP has also been paid in full!
Seller has started foundation for "home site" to according to current approved permit. The sale can include approved building plans which can be transferred. Part of lumber package for building is on site and can be included, make separate offer for building supplies.
Landscaping includes Hibiscus lining the driveway, beautiful Palms, an old growth Banyan tree, an old large Ironwood tree,
lots of strawberry guava & bamboo, an orange & lemon tree. This property has lots of old growth trees and lots of areas to be utilized for one’s creative spirit.
Property is being Sold As-Is.
*** SELLER WILL CONSIDER FINANCING : 40 K down @ 8 interest for 4 years with Balloon payment due in 4 years (48 months from recordation)
16-1259 Road 5 (Uau) Kurtistown 96760 is listed Courtesy of Exp Realty
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