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Single Family Home in Hawaiian Acres - Puna Hawaii
Enjoy your own piece of paradise conveniently secured in Hawaiian Acres Subdivision! A quick turn from Moho Road, this charming 2-bedroom cabin is nestled on a sprawling 3-acre property, offering you a tranquil retreat surrounded by nature & fully fenced.
As you approach, you'll be captivated by the lush landscape, with over half of the land thoughtfully cleared to showcase the natural beauty and provide a sense of openness. The property boasts an abundance of fruit trees, including coconut, Ulu, avocado, mango, and banana, allowing you to indulge in the tropical flavors right in your backyard.
Sold Furnished ~ This cozy 2-bedroom cabin is a perfect blend of comfort and simplicity, providing a warm and inviting atmosphere. Whether you're seeking a weekend getaway or a permanent residence, this cabin offers a peaceful escape from the noise of everyday life.
One of the potential bonus features of this property is the presence of two cesspools on site, with one already hooked up for convenience. There's another cesspool further back on the property, offering new potential to future owners.
Wake up to the gentle rustle of leaves and the sweet scent of tropical fruits in the air. Embrace the laid-back lifestyle that Hawaii is renowned for while having the convenience of being a short drive away from Kurtistown & Kea'au for groceries, farmers market, and more. Please note: permits for this home are not on record, this is a cash only sale. For more information on Hawaiian Acres, please visit https://www.hawaiianacres.org.
16-1563 Opeapea Rd Kurtistown 96760 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Properties - Hilo
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