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Vacant Land in Hawaiian Acres - Puna Hawaii
Welcome to your serene sanctuary in Hawaiian Acres on the magnificent Big Island of Hawaii! This meticulously crafted property offers unique features that embody the essence of island living. Entrance to the estate is through a sturdy custom-built gate, revealing a 300-foot driveway leading to your secluded oasis. The front acre has been recently and lovingly cleared with heavy equipment. The large front clearing is private with a green barrier, the perfect place to build your dream home. Another cleared area is ready to be a road and goes about 3/4 of the way back.
Just behind that acre of land it has been hand-cleared of guava, naturally adorned with majestic Ohia trees, Hapu'u ferns, and Alexandra palms. A small pond has been dug, ready for you to develop. The relatively deep soil, with 3 to 6 inches, is free from fire ants at this time and ideal for gardening. The property includes a 16x32 ft post and beam area offering versatile living or storage space, along with a 40 ft shipping container equipped with welded brackets for roofing, a window, and door framing. A HELCO connection is possible if you wish to build a permitted structure.
Adjacent to the shipping container is a stunning garden, perfect for cultivating fresh food. From the container's roof, you can gaze upon the summit of Mauna Kea, adding an extraordinary dimension to the property's scenic beauty. Natural drainage is facilitated by a 100-foot slope from the front to the back of the property. Unique lava features, including a lava tube in the back corner, add to the property's amazing allure. A food forest provides a variety of rare and edible delights. A full list is available upon request.
Four corners were surveyed in 2021, and two additional pins were placed. No additional staking or surveying to be done by the Seller.
Experience the tranquility and beauty of Hawaii's natural landscape on this exceptional property.
16-1588 Io Kea Rd Mountain View 96760 is listed Courtesy of At Home Hawaii
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