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Single Family Home in Hawaiian Acres - Puna Hawaii
An enchanting 3 acre property in serene Hawaiian Acres with *THREE structures* in need of some TLC.
Enter the property through the chain gate, driveway will lead you past all three structures all the way to the back of the property. Planted along the driveway and throughout the property you'll find a wide variety of edibles and ornamentals, including but not limited to native Ohia trees, coconut, bananas, lots of citrus, avocado, ice cream bean, pineapple, mango, gardenia, puakenikeni, night blooming jasmine, exotic and rare hibiscus varieties, colorful crotons, anthurium, a huge variety of ti leaf, fragrant and colorful ginger flowers, roses, and so much more! There are also multiple varieties of bamboo, and a whimsical bamboo garden to meander through. The variety of plants is truly stunning! The longer you spend on this property the more it will reveal it's beauty.
Property includes three structures, all with great potential. First structure as you enter the property is approximately 200sqft built high off the ground to catch the breeze.
Further down the driveway near the middle of the property you'll find the main structure with 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. Built around the year 2000 and approximately 760sqft.
Toward the back of the property you'll find the largest structure, approximately 960sqft and built around 2001/2002. There is also a chicken coop near this structure.
What these structures could become is limited only by your imagination!
For showings, overnight notice is appreciated but will try to accommodate short notice.
HELCO is available and SSPP has been paid in full.
Since some info is provided by third parties, no guarantee or warranty is provided on this listing information. Buyers and their agent must independently verify any and all info that they deem material or important in their making an offer or in the price offered.
16-2194 Ooaa Rd Kurtistown 96760 is listed Courtesy of Equity Hawaii Real Estate Llc
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