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Single Family Home
Hawaiian Beaches Subdivision - Puna
Escape to your very own tropical hideaway in paradise
See 3d matterport videos in link at top.
This newly remodeled 3 bedroom/2bath home is surrounded by many tropical and ornamental plants creating a sense of privacy
Hidden treasures abound in this unique, fully fenced, approximately ¼ of an acre property
Newly remodeled:
*Beautiful granite countertops and slate flooring in kitchen
*New cabinets in kitchen with soft close doors and drawers
*Pantry cabinet
*New appliances
*New laminate flooring through out
*Floor to ceiling closet doors through out for easier access to items in closets
*Washer and dryer included. New Samsung washer was purchased in 2023
*Spacious 2 car carport
Enjoy your very own lush tropical park like setting
*Many varieties of tropical trees and plants, flowering and ornamentals, bananas, dragon fruit, coconut, pineapples and more.
*Greenhouse - you can grow your own fresh herbs and vegetables!
*Night blooming jasmine fills the air when this highly fragrant plant is in bloom
Short drive to the coast where you will find yourself exploring amazing coastlines and the recently formed black sand beaches
Enjoy whale, dolphin and turtle watching from Papio cliffside park
This well-established neighborhood includes: private water, private paved roads, mail delivery, overhead electric, HIGH SPEED INTERNET, cable tv & phone
Conveniently located within a short drive to Pahoa Village which is known for its colorful and unique old town feel with many excellent restaurants, grocery stores, banks, post offices, salons, a gym, fast food, coffee shops, bakeries, specialty shops, urgent care and doctors, a pharmacy, and the Pahoa District Park featuring a swimming pool, ball fields and a skate park.
South of Hilo with the Hilo airport, University of Hawaii, shopping, restaurants, beaches and more
15-2693 Lalakea St Pahoa 96778 is listed Courtesy of Big Island Brokers
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