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Single Family Home in Hawaiian Beaches Subdivision - Puna Hawaii
Welcome to this charming FIXER-UPPER home at a SUPER-AFFORDABLE price! Do-it-yourselfers, handymen and investors can re-create a beautiful home here with a some Tender Loving Care. This roomy home offers bright, open living space with 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a total finished area of 1,571 sq.ft. The home sits on an expansive lot size of 20,007 sq.ft., offering plenty of outdoor space for relaxation and enjoyment. The home features an attractive layout with 3 bedrooms in the main house, and a separate bedroom, bathroom, and office, accessed privately from the carport. Hardwood floors and cedar/redwood walls make this home deeply warm and inviting. Providing comfort from the refreshing showers is an attached, oversized carport exceeding 600 sq.ft. There's plenty of space for two cars, covered storage, and close friends to talk story. The property also boasts an enormous backyard with lush greenery and plenty of room for outdoor activities or gardening. Also thoughtfully-placed in the backyard is a fully-permitted 1,960 sq.ft. steel frame - formerly used as a boat house and workshop. It's overgrown now, but could be repaired, re-roofed, and brought back to life. There's plenty of work THROUGHOUT this property too though. The floors need refinishing, the ceiling repaired, and walls painted. Some windows and doors need repair and replacing. The bathrooms and kitchen could use remodeling as well. Located near the top of the Hawaiian Beaches neighborhood near historic Pahoa, this home offers convenience and easy access to the new shopping center, elementary school, community center, and beach park. ALL INFO DEEMED RELIABLE. SQUARE FOOTAGE FIGURES FROM HAWAII COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR. “All comments, data is provided by seller or seller's representatives. Buyer to confirm all & hold all parties harmless from any discrepancy data in the mls and advertising. Limited Service–Data Entry Addendum signed by seller/s must be signed by buyer/s with Purchase Contract."
15-2727 Akule St Pahoa 96778 is listed Courtesy of Nathalie Mullinix Realty Universal, Inc.
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