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Single Family Home in Hawaiian Orchid Island Estate - Puna Hawaii
In an almost Secret and Hidden part of much sought after Hawaiian Orchid Island Estates, this square 3 acres parcel offers the ultimate in private seclusion and peaceful quietude: a veritable Forest Shangri La! A gated driveway leads you to a concealed permitted well-built home that was completely rebuilt and remodeled in 2007 with new plumbing and electric throughout. Over the past few years the updates include a totally renovated bathroom and kitchen, installation of top of the line vinyl flooring throughout, new lighting fixtures and painted inside and out! You will enjoy the spacious, bright Living Room, functional Kitchen with granite counter tops, ample sized Bedroom and large Bathroom/Utility Room Combo! The 306 sq. ft. Plantation style covered front Entrance Deck is perfect to enjoy the Front Yard and Forest Ambiance. The 60 sq. ft. covered side deck offers a separate entrance to the Home thru the Utility Room. The Post and Pier construction with massive poured footings is the best choice for Volcano and affords access to plumbing and electrical plus storage. A 3 ft. x 8 ft. enclosed pump house contains a Stainless Steel Danish Grundfos (#1!) on-demand pump, supplying loads of water pressure from a 4,500 gallon water catchment tank. The pump house has plenty of room to add a pressure tank and UV System. Hawaiian Electric supplies the electricity. Hawaiian Tel Fiber Optic Cable provides Ultra Broadband Internet with speeds of "up to" 1,000 (one Gigabit) megabits per second! This Home lies in a Lava 3 zone at 2,847 elevation, out of the "heat & bug zone" on a Virgin forested lot! Perfect for Organic Garden and Fruit Orchard and prolific Greenhouse Growing of countless varieties of veggies, greens and herbs! The landscaped yard has a huge avocado tree, gardenias, flowers, bromeliads, bamboos, palms and a giant Australian Toon Tree! Seller Concessions: $5,000 to Buyers at close of escrow towards upgrades such as refrigerator, washer, dryer, range & water heater.
11-2972 Alii Papa St Volcano 96785 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Properties - Hilo
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