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Single Family Home in Hawaiian Paradise Park - Puna Hawaii
Enjoy your lush, private retreat in this custom, unique home, which is a true hidden gem in Hawaiian Paradise Park
Well-planned and thoughtfully designed, your new home is nestled into this meticulously landscaped acre, embracing natural lava formations.
Be in awe of the impressive entry to your fully-fenced oasis, a full-bed structural lava rock wall with floating cedar panels and aluminum gates. Elegant and durable.
Featuring a mix of modern island style and post-modern flair, your new home boasts durable cedar siding, resisting pests and moisture with minimal upkeep.
Meticulously maintained and tastefully remodeled, this home showcases exceptional craftsmanship and attention to detail.
Recent upgrades include a new roof, gutters, downspouts, fresh interior and exterior paint, solid-core interior and exterior doors, modern light fixtures, and nearly new appliances. A new hot water tank, window screens, faucet, garbage disposal (and more) - making your new home move-in ready.
The freshest water comes from your catchment tank, which has been recently cleaned and serviced and is complete with a high-quality filtration system, ensuring water quality.
Large windows provide lots of natural light, and the striking landscape views from nearly every room give you a feeling of pure serenity.
Owner-designed pathways wind through lush gardens of fragrant gardenias, exotic flowering plants, and a majestic royal poinciana tree that homes the delightful songbirds of your botanical garden. The garden is adorned with various tropical and native species, including yellow and red ‘Ohi‘a, rainbow eucalyptus, monkeypod, and a rare native Hawaiian palm.
A bounty of fruit-bearing trees: guava, banana, avocado, lychee, rambutan, passion fruit, longan, papaya, yellow mangosteen, vanilla, monstera, citrus, pineapple, and soursop. Raised garden beds for growing fresh vegetables offer a sustainable and rewarding lifestyle.
15-1478 23Rd Ave Keaau 96749 is listed Courtesy of Exp Realty
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