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Single Family Home in Hawaiian Paradise Park - Puna Hawaii
Escape to your own slice of paradise in this delightful 2-bedroom cottage, perfect for those seeking a serene retreat or a cozy home. Situated on a half-acre lot, bordered by a rock wall, the grounds are home to an astonishing variety of fruit trees, including 4 avocado trees, 2 jackfruit trees, white sapote, black sapote, soursop, yuzu, and Samoan coconut. You'll also find a Hong Kong orchid, yesterday today, tomorrow flowers, native hibiscus, lilikoi, and a few citrus trees, all perfectly complemented by the luscious jaboticaba tree.
The interior boasts open beam ceilings and an abundance of windows that fill the space with natural light. Enjoy the easy-to-maintain ceramic tile flooring that flows seamlessly throughout. The expansive open floor plan beautifully integrates the kitchen and living area, creating the perfect setting for entertaining and everyday living.
Nestled in a picturesque setting, this charming residence combines modern comforts with rustic charm.
Located on Beach Road in Hawaiian Paradise Park, close to the hiking trail that leads to Haena Beach.
15-1491 Beach Rd Keaau 96749 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Life
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