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Single Family Home in Hawaiian Paradise Park - Puna Hawaii
You don't want to miss this stunning 4-bedroom, 2-bathroom home at the top of the Hawaiian Paradise Park subdivision making it an excellent location only 10 minutes from Kea`au or Pahoa town both with desirable amenities!
The home is two story. The primary suite equipped with its own ac unit, full en suite bathroom, walk-in closet, cathedral ceilings, and a covered lanai comprise the entire second story of the home.
The first floor of the home offers a breathtaking kitchen fully equipped with all appliances and downstairs ac unit. Brand new quartz countertops with full backsplash offer ample space to prepare meals, and a custom 45-degree pantry offers a substantial amount of space to store all your dry goods. This exceptional kitchen not only boasts a full island with an undermount sink and dishwasher, but it also has an exceptional custom breakfast bar that really ties your living space together. It creates a large, welcoming, and open space with grand cathedral ceilings so that your family and friends can stay connected whether they are cooking dinner in the kitchen, playing games, or starting a movie in the living room. Three spacious bedrooms and a full bathroom with a hallway closet for added storage space adjoin your fabulous kitchen, dining, and living room. The laundry room with brand-new front-loading washer and dryer is located to the right of the second story stairwell with garage entrance directly in front.
French doors will lead you from your kitchen and dining room to your large, fully fenced, and landscaped backyard! It offers a variety of fruiting trees including lemon, lychee, and avocado. A 4-car covered carport with concrete slab is an enticing feature in the backyard adding a ton of space!
The entire acre is fenced with chain link which wraps around the entire perimeter and connects to a grand five-foot rock wall at the entrance of the property with automatic gate for added security and privacy!
15-1681 24Th Ave Keaau 96749 is listed Courtesy of Exp Realty
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