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Single Family Home in Hawaiian Paradise Park - Puna Hawaii
Hawaiian Paradise Park is one of the fastest growing communities on the island of Hawaii. One acre per lot creates ample space for home owners. 28th ave is close to the highway with easy ingress and egress. The circling driveway not just make it safer for families with children, but also creates a resort entrance feeling.
Seller replaced carpet with vinyl flooring to accommodating the weather, and replaced tile countertops with marble to fabricate more desirable and functional counters.
This corner lot home features three bedroom and two full bathrooms. Plus, seller inclosed the side lanai and made additional two rooms for office use, or a fitness room.
Before put on the market, seller power-washed the roof and driveways; repainted the some of the interior walls and cleaned the entire house. The curtains were all replaced as well.
Landscaped front yard is charming and inviting. In the backyard, there are some producing fruit trees. The boundary of the property is beyond the backyard fence. The already cleared and leveled outside part of the lot provides many possibilities: it can be tailored to your lifestyle and preferences, such as a small family farm or a fruit and vegetable garden.
Living in Hawaii is not a dream, grab the opportunity and make your dream become true.
15-1753 28Th Ave Keaau 96749 is listed Courtesy of Real Broker Llc
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