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Single Family Home in Hawaiian Paradise Park - Puna Hawaii
Check out this charming off-grid cottage on 9th Ave. in HPP. If you're looking for artistic flair, this could be it. The main room's octagon shape welcome you in, as with open arms. Bamboo floors, wood ceilings, wood paneling, and unique features such as reclaimed wood windows and an arched double door, give the room a special feel. In the bathroom you'll find a freestanding tub and pedestal sink, adding more charm. Off the main room you'll find two pop outs -- one is a sleeping alcove and the other is small office area. Exiting the main room through the side doors, you'll step onto a covered lanai with seating area and, toward the back, an open-air outdoor shower and freestanding bathtub. Imagine soaking in the tub on clear nights, gazing at the stars, the planets and the Milky Way! Property is off grid but electricity is available at the street; SSPP share cost is $1,789. Currently the PV system is set up to provide power for lighting, fans, TV and Internet; the efficiency refrigerator, water heater and cooktop are propane. Furnishings are negotiable, with a few personal items excluded.
Most of the property has been graded and offers an extensive lawn area. Property is fenced.
Seller has approved plans for a second structure to be built toward the back of the lot and is open to transferring the permit to the buyer.
Cash sale only.
15-1884 9Th Ave Keaau 96749 is listed Courtesy of Kohala Coast Properties
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