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Single Family Home in Hawaiian Paradise Park - Puna Hawaii
Located in the sun belt in popular Hawaiian Paradise Park, embracing the simplicity of off-grid living in this charming well built 2 bedroom one bath unpermitted dwelling. Designed for sustainability and comfort, this home features an owned photovoltaic PV system with 8 panels, batteries and a reliable Honda 3000 generator. The on demand hot water heater and water pump are powered by panels and batteries ensuring seamless energy efficiency. A tap water filter system with UV light and filters provides safe water. Two carports and two sheds for tools and equipment, provide an abundance of storage. Included in the sale is a new propane dryer.
Step inside to discover quality workmanship, including bamboo flooring adding character to this cozy retreat.. The well maintained home provides thoughtful details for a comfortable affordable lifestyle. Fruit trees, native plants and majestic old growth complement the serene outdoor surroundings. Good soil for planting. An outdoor shower and utility sink, two carports, two sheds, a 4000 gallon enclosred catchment tank are additional highlights. Experience the best of off the grid living in this affordable gem. Only a five minute drive to beautiful Makuu Cliffs with a picnic area and fishing. Good schools are nearby. A county bus pick up is a 5 minute walk. Libraries are found in Pahoa and Kea'au. A city pool in Pahoa where there are also markets, restaurants, gas stations, an urgent care facility and physical therapy are all available. This property is located on one beautiful welcoming acre.
15-1949 11Th Ave Keaau 96749 is listed Courtesy of Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Hawaii Realty
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