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Single Family Home
Hawaiian Paradise Park - Puna
Ever dreamed of living in the treetops without having to swing from vines? This custom-built elevated home gives you all the tropical vibes with none of the monkey business. Perched above it all, the spacious lanai serves up expansive views of the ocean and rainforest—perfect for morning coffee or afternoon happy hour. The covered lanai and deck are over 1400 sf...larger than the normal home! There are neighbors, but thanks to the clever layout and lush surroundings, you’ll feel like you’ve got your own private paradise. Fully renovated, the home is fresh, airy, and flooded with natural light from windows that practically high-five every passing breeze. The lanai wraps around like it’s giving the house a hug, with the lanai side roomy enough for epic gatherings—or just an afternoon spent enjoying a snooze fest.
Inside, a central staircase keeps the dining, kitchen, and sitting areas in check. There’s even a handy bath with a shower and exterior access, so you can rinse off after beach days or your ambitious attempts at gardening. Upstairs, you'll find three cozy bedrooms and a bathroom right in the center where you need it!
With fresh paint, new flooring, new appliances and updated fixtures, it’s like the house just had a glow-up. Down below, there’s parking for multiple cars, a laundry area, and a bonus room that’s ready to become your home gym, man cave, she-shed, or workshop. Guac this way! This property comes with its own producing avocado tree—because store-bought just isn’t the same. Plus, sweet strawberry guava is a perfect snack. So get ready to embrace tropical living—minus the wild jungle commute.
15-1950 23Rd Ave Keaau 96749 is listed Courtesy of Real Broker Llc
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