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Single Family Home in Hawaiian Paradise Park - Puna Hawaii
Click to view Video: https://player.vimeo.com/video/1044022124
1-acre property features 2 charming homes, lush gardens, and abundant fruit trees, this is the perfect retreat for nature lovers and those seeking a tranquil lifestyle.
The front house, previously used as a Hosted Vacation Rental, when in use earned an average monthly income of $6,800. This house is a one bedroom with an enclosed lanai that could be used as a second bedroom. It's fully furnished, including all appliances (stove, fridge, washer/dryer), furniture, and décor. Unique features of the front house include a 165,000-gallon pond (currently used for sweet potato cultivation - easily converted back to a pond), Whimsical looking trees add charm, gazebo, relaxing hammock chair, and portable AC.
The back house offers unique living with a large bathtub upstairs for a truly immersive "bathing in nature" experience. The downstairs area provides ample storage, a deep sink, washer/dryer, and parking for one vehicle with floodlights. This studio-style home is perfect for hosting your Vacation Rental, guests, family, or as a private retreat and features ceiling fans for comfortable living. It also includes a new GE 5 cu ft washer and dryer.
Property highlights include an abundance of fruit trees such as mango, avocado, citrus, ulu, and more. The property boasts extensive gardens with 100+ pepper plants (Hawaiian chili, habanero), a squash garden, ice cream bean pod, and more. Lush foliage, vibrant flowers (anthurium, hibiscus, ti leaf), and mature trees (ironwood, eureka palms) provide privacy. Sustainable features include a 7,500-gallon rainwater catchment, overhead power, and a brand-new, fully permitted septic system. Situated on a peaceful dead-end road, the 1-acre lot features a long driveway and ample space. Bamboo is growing and can be used for construction projects, and high-quality soil has been delivered to the property for optimal gardening.
15-2024 19Th Ave Keaau 96749 is listed Courtesy of Hilo Bay Realty Llc
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