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Single Family Home in Hawaiian Paradise Park - Puna Hawaii
This beautifully appointed, architecturally stunning home can be your new private residence, or the get-a-way vacation home located on the stunning East Hawaii coastline. Currently the residence is a popular short-term vacation rental that can be sold turnkey – furniture, future bookings, STVR permit and all.
Located on Kaloli Point in the coastal community of Hawaiian Paradise Park, this 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom wraps itself around the in-ground gunite pool where you may end up spending most of your time! You have access to the pool area from the two main bedrooms and through large double bi-fold doors in the living room. Leave the living room doors wide open and enjoy the wonderful indoor/outdoor living available in Hawaii. A 3rd bedroom, located in the detached cottage, is roomy & quiet and has an outdoor shower. Plus there is a 2nd detached cottage currently being used for storage.
Attention to quality and detail are evident throughout the home. The great room has cathedral ceilings & large glass doors to let in the light and trade wind breezes. The flooring both inside and out on the pool decking is Saltillo paver style tile which gives a cozy feeling to the house. The wood detail quality and craftsmanship is stunning. The window facings are hand-crafted solid Koa, the interior and exterior doors are solid Honduras mahogany plus the kitchen has custom hand-crafted Koa & Mango hardwood cabinets. Kitchen appliances include stainless steel convection oven, new six burner gas stove top, large Refrigerator & dishwasher. Electric is from Solar. Out the kitchen window is view of the ocean which is just a few minutes’ walk away.
The gated entrance leads to a tropically landscaped 1/2 acre property where you will see beautiful palms, trees & plants including avocado, citrus, banana & pineapple. Property has a private well. The circular driveway makes for easy access & gives you plenty of parking.
This impeccably maintained home can be yours!
15-869 Lemiwai Rd Keaau 96749 is listed Courtesy of Hilo Bay Realty Llc
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