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Vacant Land in Hawaiian Paradise Park - Puna Hawaii
Owner Financing Available!
GREAT LOCATION on this 23,087 sqft (over half an acre) IMPROVED lot located across the street from the beautiful Pacific Ocean in Hawaiian Paradise Park subdivision. This property is located on Paradise Ala Kai and has the possibility of an ocean view especially from the second level of a home (buyer to verify). The seller has made substantial improvements to the land including adding a house pad, lawn area and driveway, so it is ready to build on! The lot was ripped, leveled, and professionally landscaped by a local grower who added deep holes that were back filled with cinder soil, fertilizers, and amendments before the 40+fruit trees were added including Avocado, Citrus, and ornamental palms. An additional 32 cubic yard load of black cinder was added around the planning areas along with 14 cubic yards of red cinder for the driveway. This property is in the "sun belt" area of Hawaiian Paradise Park but still gets plenty of rainfall for growing beautiful gardens.
Of note is the Agriculture dedication of this lot lower the yearly property taxes substantially to $100!!
The lot next door (Tmk 3-1-5-57-47) is also for sale and has been improved in the same manner, See MLS 710226.
The property is literally a few minutes’ walk to the beautiful Hawaiian Pacific Ocean where often sea turtles and dolphins are spotted. On this property you can hear the waves, hear the whales during the winter migration season, watch a sunrise, and feel the wonderful trade winds East Hawaii is famous for.
Beautiful custom houses throughout this quiet coastal neighborhood. Great location. This is an opportunity you will not want to miss.
Information here is deemed accurate but not guaranteed. Agents and buyers are to do their own due diligence with regards to the information provided here and the property itself.
From HWY 130 to Paradise to Paradise Ala Kai. Property on left side about halfway down. Sign on lot.
15-916 Paradise Ala Kai Dr Keaau 96749 is listed Courtesy of Hilo Bay Realty Llc
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