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Single Family Home in Hawaiian Parks Subdivision - Puna Hawaii
Affordable Home - Ready for your TLC!!!
ALL of the personal property is now actively being removed!!
*GOT tools and skills
*NEED a roof over your head - It's Livable while you renovate!
* The 3 bedrooms/2 Full Bath with 1,056 sqft -FULLY PERMITTED house
*The carport was built same time as the home /fully permitted, but never accessible for vehicle storage - so it was enclosed (without permits) and is used as living area.
*There is a lovely in-ground pond feature in the front yard-just need your attention
*NO CATCHMENT TANK - Community Water System
*Paved Roads for easy access
*Short 2-min Drive to the Ocean & Hawaiian Beach Park
*On North Puni Makai Loop - off the busy main road!
*Lava Zone 2
* Curbside Mail Delivery
*Paved Roads
*Seller Financing (PMM) possible with large down payment over a short term.
All agents, buyers and any other interested parties are to note that the information provided here is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed - All parties are encouraged to perform their own due diligence.
15-285 Puni Makai Loop Pahoa 96778 is listed Courtesy of Team Hawaii Realty
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