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Single Family Home in Kaimu - Makena Homesteads - Puna Hawaii
This property has fractional or shared ownership. Rare opportunity to own half an acre. Off grid living atop the great Kaimu- Makena Homestead hill. Enjoy the vibrant community of neighbor Sundari Farms for yoga, cacao ceremonies, dance and spa. A short drive down the hill to Uncle Robert's Farmer's Market and beautiful Kehena Black Sand Beach along the Red Road. Live freely and create your dream life!
Mature Avocado, Mango, Jackfruit, Coconut, Abiu trees surround the off-grid cabin. Old growth Ohia trees and bamboo enhance the lush tropical landscape of Kaimu. With an elevation of 300 feet the trades winds sway the heat away and full sunlight beams down creating the perfect weather!
Windows all around to soak up the colorful landscape, no screen walls here. Propane on demand hot water and outdoor lua. Propane Refrigerator is included. Enjoy cooking in the separate kitchen lanai. Enjoy the easy off- grid lifestyle in paradise! Owner will consider owner financing with a large down payment. Don't let this Kaimu gem slip by!
12-1114 Kaimu Makena Homestead Rd Pahoa 96778 is listed Courtesy of Seaview Real Estate
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