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Single Family Home in Kalapana Sea View Estates - Puna Hawaii
Beautiful Oceanside Seaview Estates residence.
Go to Kehena Black Sands Beach daily to swim at sunrise. Beautifully landscaped lot to provide privacy on a dead end paved street and is completely fenced. This could be your property to leave it all behind, as it is fully furnished!
Fully equipped kitchen with double sink, dishwasher and newer refrigerator/freezer of 21 cubic feet capacity with dining area that connects to the main, double wall cabin bedroom that is 12’ by 10’.??There is a 65 sq. bathroom with shower, vanity and toilet that is served by a cesspool. 2 covered lanais on the main cabin.?? A loft for storage or another bed, is in the other cabin that is 1 & 1/2 stories.
There is a nice screened Cabana of 144 sq ft for your visitors who come in awe of Paradise.
Coconut’s, papayas, lilikoi, avocados and pineapples!
A newer owned Outback solar system with 8 solar panels and 8 Northstar batteries provide all the energy you need. (grid electricity, phone, and fiber optic internet is available overhead on the street)
A 4,000 gallon poly tank and water filtration system has provided all of the fresh drinkable water needed. A storage shed contains, battery and gas lawn mowers, weed eaters, blowers, etc.
Kalapana Seaview Estates Community Association is a small subdivision located along the southeast side of the Big Island. HOA fees are $100 per year for its three parks. The roads are all paved and maintained by the county.
The quaint town of Pahoa is 20 minutes away. The area is rural with lowland rainforests. Within 45 minutes to Hilo, a small city which provides a typical metropolitan community of services.
The property is unpermitted, as are thousands on the island, and is in lava zone 2. This requires that the sale be cash only.
The Big Island is the last area of Hawaii that is affordable. Don’t miss this opportunity to live in Paradise.
12-7022 Akanikolea St Pahoa 96778 is listed Courtesy of Pacific Image Properties
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