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Vacant Land in Kalapana Vacation Lots - Puna Hawaii
Kalapana 2 story 4 Bedroom 2 Bath home with unobstructed Ocean View. Enjoy 2 kitchens to prepare delicious meals from your garden. Each Bedroom has its own entry for privacy and one of the bedrooms is its own cabin. Gorgeous sunrises, occasional rainbows & nice breezy trade winds make this growing off grid neighborhood a nice place to put down roots. Solar PV & batteries along with a 5000 gallon water catchment including reverse osmosis for drinking water make this a great home. Sustainable Landscaping includes producing Limes, Lemons, Bananas, Amazing large Mangos, Oranges, Papaya, Avocado, Pumpkins, Daikon Radish, Beets, Tomatoes, Beans, Lilikoi, Soursop, Dragonfruit, Rosemary bush, Lavender, Plumeria, Hibiscus, Aloe, Butterfly Pea, Arugula, & many chickens for eggs. There are also garden beds with soil ready for your gardening needs. The house includes a large covered carport for storage & vehicles. Have your coffee/tea on the covered lanai each morning looking out to an occasional humpback whale during whale season. Swing on the upper deck each evening looking out at the ocean. Look up at the stars & milky way on a clear dark night from the Hot Tub that is included. House sold furnished except for a few personal items.
Located approx. 15- 20 minutes to Historic Downtown Pahoa & the new Puna Kai Shopping Center with a grocery store, gas station, restaurants, fitness center, art store, & clothing store. Located approx. 30 miles to Hilo for more shopping or conveniences.
12-2124 Piilani Rd Pahoa 96778 is listed Courtesy of Hilo Bay Realty Llc
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