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Single Family Home in Kalapana Vacation Lots - Puna Hawaii
Custom home was built with blood, sweat and love. From the custom rock wall, to the installing the container bedrooms and to the large beams and rail road bench this house has lots of stories. Used as a retreat for the owners to a travel destination getaway for adventurous travelers who want to experience off grid living and expansive ocean and mountain views. There is second-story lookout, flushing toilet, claw-foot tub, 3200 gallon water tank, & solar power.
Newley built garage for the owners quarter, open concept kitchen, comfortable front and back lanai, spacious bedroom and 360 crows nest bedroom on second floor. This off-grid has plenty to offer for your future in Hawaii.
Total Estimated Size
Downstairs Bedroom 35 x 8 = 280
Upstairs Bedroom 13 x 15 = 195
Deck/living area/kitchen 20 x 40 = 800
Garage/Bedroom 20 x 18 = 360
Total: 1635 sq ft under roof
12-5165 Kaimu Chain Of Craters Rd Pahoa 96778 is listed Courtesy of Bizwala
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