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Single Family Home in Kamaili - Puna Hawaii
Well-built and lovingly maintained, this one-bedroom, one-bath home is ideal for anyone looking for a cozy and versatile space.
The ground floor features a beautiful etched concrete slab floor and includes a pump room and a spacious laundry area with plenty of room for storage or shelving. With generous headroom, this space offers exciting potential.
The second floor serves as the main living area, boasting a comfortable living room, a roomy bedroom, and an open kitchen. The bedroom opens onto a private lanai where you can relax and enjoy a backyard and forest view. A full bathroom completes the thoughtful layout, providing everything you need in one tidy and functional space.
This home can be sold fully furnished, making it a simple and convenient option for moving in right away.
Located in the sunnier area of lower Puna, Pahoa town is just 3 miles away, offering shops, restaurants, and conveniences. In the other direction, the home is also less than a 10 minute drive to Uncle Robert's market and an approximately 15 minute drive to Kehena Beach. For more extensive shopping and travel needs, Hilo International Airport and big-box retailers are just 30 minutes past Pahoa.
This delightful home combines comfort, convenience, and potential, all in one desirable package.
13-3711 Pahoa Kalapana Rd Pahoa 96778 is listed Courtesy of Savio Realty Ltd. - Puna Office
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