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Single Family Home in Keonepoko Homesteads - Puna Hawaii
Charming Home with Spacious Property Near Puna Kai Shopping and Pahoa Town
Located just down the road from the Puna Kai shopping center and the heart of Pahoa town, this well-maintained home has been cherished by its original owner. Offering a comfortable living space of approximately 2,484 sq ft, this home features three bedrooms upstairs and one downstairs, providing ample room for your family. Situated on a generous 3.76-acre lot, the property is zoned A-1 acre, with potential to build two additional homes (please verify with the planning and water departments).
Recent updates have refreshed the home, including both interior and exterior painting, new kitchen and bathroom flooring, a new toilet upstairs, new screens, and tree removal around the home. The roof was replaced around 2000 and has recently been repainted for added durability.
The property has been professionally surveyed, with visible pins marking the boundaries. A map is available upon request. Additionally, the home is scheduled for fumigation. Should the sale take place prior to the fumigation, the funds and date for the fumigation will be held in escrow for the new owners.
.~E Komo Mai (Welcome & Come On By)~
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15-2790 Laau Way Pahoa 96778 is listed Courtesy of Hara Chun Realty, Llc
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