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Single Family Home in Leilani Estates - Puna Hawaii
A Unique Octagonal Home with Distinct Architecture.
Nestled on a sprawling and private one acre of land, this remarkable home features an architectural gem spanning just shy of 3,000 sft of total living space, the house stands as a beacon of unique design, thoughtful functionality, and modern conveniences. The exterior of the home stuccoed for enhanced durability, an excellent insulator, helping to regulate the interior temperature ensure both aesthetic appeal and long-lasting protection against elements. 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, a loft, cupula, and a versatile carport, the property showcases a variety of features that cater to diverse needs while being secluded and being in a peaceful environment.
One of the most captivating aspects of this home is its distinct octagonal shape. Unlike the conventional square or rectangular designs, this home embraces a circular layout that features both aesthetic & practical advantages. This design allows for maximized interior space without wasted corners, creating a sense of openness and fluidity throughout the house. Natural light is easily channeled into each room. illuminating the living areas while offering expansive views of the surrounding landscape.
This unconventional structure also enhances airflow, allowing for more efficient ventilation. the layout works hand-in-hand with other architectural elements, such as the cupula, to ensure that the home remains well-ventilated and comfortable throughout the year, while keeping energy cost manageable. The geometric form also gives the home an inviting presence, its design standing out as a bold and beautiful statement amidst the landscaped acre of land surrounding it. Provides ample accommodations for family and guests. Each bedroom is designed to maximize privacy and comfort, the guest studio includes all necessary amenities, with access to private bathroom, and laundry room. Also included is a detached 2-car carport and enclosed room, covered lanai and outdoor bath.
13-3471 Kumakahi St Pahoa 96778 is listed Courtesy of Hilo Bay Realty Llc
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