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Single Family Home in Makuu - Keonepoko Nui - Puna Hawaii
One of a kind, 14.25 acre, oceanfront property, zoned Ag 1-A improved with 2,016 sqft of living area that consists of a 3 bedroom 1.5 bath home AND 3 separate studios that each have their own bathrooms and entrances. Plus an expansive 1,488 sqft barn/workspace, a 216 sqft bonus shed, and a tropical fruit tree orchard with many mature and producing fruit trees.
Located at the bottom of HPP, in lava zone 3, close to basic amenities, restauraunts, fruit stands and a mecca of food trucks! The city of Hilo is approximately a 30 minute drive away.
This expansive oceanfront property also has 2 water wells, (one freshwater and one salt water). This property was once an aquaculture farm and the fresh water well is plumbed to the residences while the salt water was used for aquaculture. New improvements have been added including a diversified fruit tree orchard and the conversion of the garage into the 3 bonus studio-style rooms.
Enjoy the daily gifts that this property and dreamy location has to offer!
Harvesting tropical fruits growing year-round, shoreline fishing, and dipping in either the oceanside tidepool or the fresh mountain water spring! All in your very own back yard!
Sit at the shoreline and enjoy a multitude of magic!
Breath in the fresh tradewinds, some of the cleanest air on the planet while watching what the coast of the East side of the island has to offer!
Look to the skies for reds, oranges and yellows from the daily morning sun rising, to the cool, evening dusk skies of blues, purples and pinks at sunset. Be sure to catch the monthly event of the golden, full moon rising out of the ocean horizon!
Share these pleasures with the wildlife in the area, including Hawaiian hawks soaring above and the humpback whales passing through in the winter while the year round green sea turtles and spinner dolphins hang out.
One of the very few locations on the island where you could "live off the land...and sea"!
15-2055 Government Beach Rd Pahoa 96778 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Properties - Kona
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