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Single Family Home in Mauna Loa Estates - Puna Hawaii
Successful income producing property less than a mile away from The Volcano National Park. Five separate units each with its own bathroom. Use it as a long term rental or a hosted vacation rental.
As you pull up to this grand cedar style home you are immediately welcomed by a beautiful and luscious Volcano rain forest filled with Hapu'u, Ohi'a, wild ginger and anthurium. Walk down the gravel path to explore the wonders of nature all around. Located at the back of the property is an outdoor Brand New Jacuzzi Hot Tub surrounded by wild ginger.
The first building consists of three floors with three separate units. On the right side of the first floor is a studio style unit that has its own full kitchen and bathroom. On the opposite side is another similar unit with more living space. This unit has been completely remodeled with new Hawaiian Koa vinyl plank flooring, new black cabinets with Acacia counter tops. The bathroom has been remodeled with tiled floors and walls and T&G ceilings. On the second floor is a grand suite consisting of a newly remodeled kitchen/dining area complete with flooring and cabinets. The living room and bathroom is also located on this floor. The bathroom has been remodeled with tiled floors and walls. Located in this units is a staircase leading to the bedroom on the third floor that overlooks the entire rain forest making it feel like you are in a tree house. The second building has two separate studios each identical with a kitchenette and full bathroom.
The possibilities are endless with this property. Built with steel framing and cedar wood to keep the pests away. Consisting of TWO concrete water catchments so you never have to worry about water.
11-3828 2Nd St Volcano 96785 is listed Courtesy of Century 21 Homefinders Of Hawaii
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