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Single Family Home in Nanawale Estates Subdivision - Puna Hawaii
Seller is motivated to see all offers. The 2 bedroom / 1 bathroom, 988 sq. ft. home boasts a freshly painted roof, 10k gal. catchment, a 3 stage water filtration (UV light), new drain rock driveway & 2 lanais. The 144 sq ft front lanai is a lounging area to view the garden & observe your fish pond. The rear 432 sq ft screened lanai lends itself as the laundry room by day, but is spacious for entertaining your guests by night. Just outside this lanai is a shower for when tending to the landscaping. Enjoy pineapple, coconut, avocado, banana, lemon, ulu, tangerine, mango, chili peppers, herbs & more. Take advantage of the fruit most of these take years to produce fruit. Check out the selling points on the cleared side lot (MLS 716436). Buy both these properties together or choose one that better fits your goals. Together, both lots are fully fenced & each have a shed.
The home's main living area has a vaulted ceiling. The flooring in this room & hall is imported Terra Cotta tile. The open concept living area extends to the kitchen, where granite counters, slate tile, stainless appliances, & pendant lighting over the breakfast bar can be enjoyed. Additionally there is canned lighting & ceiling fans.
Both bedrooms have local hardwood floors, ceiling fans & windows that allow natural lighting. The air flow is comfortable and doesn't require AC units. The full bathroom features beautiful stonework from tub to ceiling.
Much of the neighborhood info can be found at www.Nanawale.com. It supplies info such as the association CC&Rs, annual road dues, COMMUNITY SALT WATER POOL hours, & more. The community pool is about a half mile away. The Pahoa Shopping Center with entertainment, food, & more is 3.5 miles away.
Information herein may contain inaccuracies & is provided without warranties/guaranties of any kind. Buyer/Buyer’s representative must independently verify any information they deem material.
Drone footage available upon request.
14-3431 Seadrift Rd Pahoa 96778 is listed Courtesy of Salt Water Real Estate Llc
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