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Single Family Home in Nanawale Estates Subdivision - Puna Hawaii
This stunning estate features many producing fruit trees and plants. The fruits of the sellers labor are yours for the picking.
The large home features a spacious primary bedroom, a princess bedroom, and a third bedroom near the kitchen. The kitchen features mango wood counters, large ceramic sink, and plenty of storage. The main home has an outdoor bathroom featuring a glamorous outside bathing area with privacy provided by giant lilikoi vines, an on demand hot water shower, and flushing toilet. The spacious covered walkways and lanais connect all the rooms. Keeping living areas connected, yet separate.
Near the main home, there is an AG building currently in use as a cabin. The cabin is a 1 room with kitchenette and bathroom.
Outside the well built structures, the gardens are truly a delight to the senses. Smell the many mature and producing varieties of lilikoi (passion fruit), huge jackfruit tree, bananas, citrus, basils, sugar cane, avocado, Ice Cream Bean, Pineapple, and so much more.
This is the perfect property for someone who wants to grow their own food while living off grid in a private oasis. There is an open permit on this property. Its perfect for those looking for a private escape and to make this property their own.
14-3527 Hawaii Rd Pahoa 96778 is listed Courtesy of At Home Hawaii
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