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Single Family Home in Nanawale Estates Subdivision - Puna Hawaii
- An excellent opportunity for any home buyer!
- This 2 bedroom 1 bath home was built in 2008.
- It stands on post and pier foundation
- Includes a 2 car carport on concrete slab which makes for an excellent place to host BBQ's and is very convenient considering how much rain we receive on the island.
- Inside the home offers an open kitchen to living area design
- A breakfast bar in the kitchen makes a nice addition
- Plenty of windows in the living area provide great amount of natural light.
- Ceramic tile throughout kitchen and living room make for a cool and easy to clean floor.
- Both rooms have their own closet and an extra storage closet sits in the hallway.
- With a little tender love and care, this home can easily be turned into the beauty that it once was.
- This is a perfect starter home or investment opportunity.
** Home located in Lava Zone 2
** *ALL information provided is deemed reliable, but is NOT guaranteed. ALL interested parties should perform their own due diligence including but not limited to verifying any and all information via a professional inspection report, a survey report, any other environmental reports, the County of Hawaii and any square footages should be verified via an appraisal report.
14-760 Seaview Rd Pahoa 96778 is listed Courtesy of Team Hawaii Realty
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