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Single Family Home in Ohia Estates - Puna Hawaii
This 1,462 sq ft home is furnished, move-in ready, has newer appliances & pricing includes the neighboring lot. Each bedroom has a full bathroom. A jacuzzi tub in one; a shower & two sinks in the other. A half bath, in the hall, doubles as a laundry room with a full sized washer and dryer. A loft overlooks the family, dining, & kitchen. It was utilized as a masseuse's office, but, has potential as a guest's bedroom. The family room's fireplace helps with the cooler temps found at this elevation. An open layout kitchen has an island that doubles as a breakfast bar. An area off the kitchen provides for a more traditional style dining room. Throughout the home, built in shelving and closets are available. A detached, 2 car carport keeps your vehicles out of the weather and provides additional storage. It even houses a 2nd full sized fridge. If more storage is required, a shed behind the home is available. A 10k gal. water catchment and a 1k gal. septic tank supports the plumbing. The on demand water heater, stove, & fireplace are supplied by propane. The large tank is fillable through a delivery service. The rubbish transfer station is approx. 1 mile away.
The included neighboring lot (TMK 3-1-1-58-52) doubles the amount of land to an approximate .42 acres. Both have been cleared to maintain the natural landscape. A pavilion with water, electricity, & a concrete foundation lends itself to outdoor entertaining. It's bamboo siding creates a private escape. A paved path is easily accessible from the master bedrooms exterior door. Both lots were completely enclosed with livestock fencing.
There is a local farmers market, grocery stores, restaurants, & more. Volcano National Park is approx. 5 min. away. Hilo is approx. 45 min. away.
Information herein may contain inaccuracies and is provided without warranties/guaranties of any kind. Buyer/Buyer’s representative must independently verify any information they deem material or important to their purchase.
11-3936 Nahelenani St Volcano 96785 is listed Courtesy of Salt Water Real Estate Llc
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