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Single Family Home in Ohia Estates - Puna Hawaii
Situated outside the charming Volcano Village in the desirable Ohio Estates this home lies at the cool 3,700 ft. elevation and is forested with old growth hardwood Ohia, Banana, Orange, Avocado and Native Hapu`u ferns. This cozy 2 bedroom 1 bath home is surrounded by lush greenery and stunning views that can been enjoyed from every window.
This Volcano classic boasts vaulted ceilings, new Lifeproof flooring and carpet throughout, water heater 2023, new exterior paint, bathroom and kitchen upgrades, wood burning stove, some solar water heater and a propane range. Situated off a paved road but surrounded by rainforest.
Volcano Village offers its residents and visitors many amenities such as restaurants, a winery, farmers markets, cafes, art galleries, petting zoo and golf course. At The Hawaii's Volcano National Park enjoy miles of hiking trails, breathtaking viewpoints and lava tubes. Volcano School of Arts and Science K-12 is in the process of completing a campus. Keaau and Hilo town with additional services, amenities and an international airport are less than 30 miles away. Home is on catchment. Cesspool. Lava Zone 3. Flood zone X. Come enjoy your very own paradise on the Big Island and experience Volcano.
The adjacent lot for sale (MLS 718136) provides options for building another home, keeping as future investment, or enjoying the extra room.
Listor owner.
11-3948 Liona St Volcano 96785 is listed Courtesy of Real Broker Llc
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