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Vacant Land
Olaa Acres - Puna
Owner financing available with $150,000 down at 6.5% interest for 10 to 15 years. Off grid Yurt living on over 6 acres! Just a short drive off of Steinback highway and you're home where you can enjoy the cozy feeling of seclusion and take in the starry skies on a clear night. Current owners have been working on this beautiful property and are sad to have to leave it behind. This is your gain! Just over 2 years old, this yurt is in great condition. The high ceiling and skylight create an open and inviting atmosphere. Beautiful stained and fire sealed wood flooring throughout. Very well built covered large lanai could be a great space for an outdoor kitchen, living space, or family gathering area. Sellers have installed Gigabit internet and WIFI 6E through an underground fiber-optic connection to the dwelling. Rare for the area and a huge benefit to those who value internet capability. Plumbing and electrical tubing have been installed and is ready to connect to the potential bathroom and laundry room as well. You can choose to stay green with a compost bathroom as well as a new 10,000 gallon water catchment. Brand new water pump, 85 gallon tank and UV filtration system included in the sale along with 3 lithium batteries for solar. This beautiful property has hibiscus trees, lemon tree, cherry trees, pineapples, and Hawaiian raspberries. This elevation is great for growing more agriculture such as strawberries and blueberries and located just 15 minutes from Keaau and approximately half an hour from the Hilo Airport.
18-8129 Kulani Rd Mountain View 96771 is listed Courtesy of Kw Big Island
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