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Vacant Land in Olaa Reservation Lots - Puna Hawaii
Located in cool Mountain View, this 2 acre property is fully cleared and fully fenced and features a gated entry for added security. A plastic storage shed is included for extra use for keeping your gardening tools and small machinery for lot maintenance.
Situated just off Highway 11, on paved Kapalai Road this is a prime location .It's approximately 20 minute drive to Hilo area, Keaau is just about 10 minutes away.
Availability of utilities is a plus offering overhead electric with access for county water, (not hooked up).
Enjoy the tranquility of country living, pastures on the opposite side of this location. Many possibilities to build your home and create your oasis for living and also farming.
17-4066 Kapalai Rd Mountain View 96771 is listed Courtesy of Parks Realty Llc
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