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Vacant Land
Olaa Reservation Lots - Puna
This property is something special at just over 10 acres of fee simple land. Located at approx 1300 elevation with comfortable temps. Approx one-half mile off Highway 11 in Mountain View from Enos Road (MM 13) to Ike Oni Paa Road. Walking distance to Coffee Shop or Cafe, K-12 school at (MM 14) and Mt View town (under 4000 population) with mini-store, gas, restaurant, a church, and Post Office. An easy drive into Hilo. The land is fenced on 3 sides, off the grid, partly cleared and graded, deep rich soil for a small farm or ranch, nice shaped flag lot. (County Tax Map has not yet updated.) Situated in a peaceful country and secluded setting surrounded by hundreds of acres of farms and pasture land. Recently subdivided, off-grid electric, has road access. A seasonal spring creates a small natural pond. In the mornings you are often greeted by a full display of both Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa. There is also an ocean horizon view from the property. At night, when it is clear, the Seller says you can see the stars, including the Big Dipper and Southern Cross. There are two nice homestead building sites locations. This property awaits for a dream to come true.
MLS listing details and public records are believed to be accurate, but cannot be guaranteed. Buyers should independently verify any information they consider essential or relevant to their purchase. Property has been recently surveyed.
17-4794 Ike Onipaa Rd Mountain View 96771 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Properties - Hilo
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