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Vacant Land in Olaa Reservation Lots - Puna Hawaii
?? Welcome to Your Gentleman's Ranch Retreat! ??
Escape to the serene beauty of this 9.8-acre piece of land, waiting for your care and the animals you'll bring to make it a true oasis. With Deep soil, this former Christmas tree farm boasts majestic Portuguese Cypress trees that stand tall, providing a picturesque windbreak and stunning backdrop to the lush pasture. Property has access to Overhead Electric and county roads. The area of Glenwood was once known for its abundant farming. At one time, Glenwood was the last stop of the railway where veggies were carried from the area.
Key Features:
?? Covered barn for storage and feed space
?? Large Portuguese Cypress trees adding charm and character
?? Partially fenced and gated for added security
?? Two 40 ft. containers included for additional storage options, plus Water Tank
?? Additional 50 acres available as an option to expand your ranching dreams
This property is a rare gem, offering a perfect setting for your gentleman's ranch aspirations. Embrace the tranquility of the countryside and create your own slice of paradise. Seller financing is an option. Please use Showing time for appts.
18-4141 Glenwood Rd Mountain View 96785 is listed Courtesy of Pacific Isle Properties
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