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Single Family Home
Olaa Summer Lots - Puna
"Volcano Places", once a popular visitor destination. is no longer licensed as an STVR.
With 3 craftsman cottages and ancillary buildings, it offers many possibilities for the savvy buyer. A renowned local builder crafted these custom wood & glass cottages to fit beautifully in the Volcano rainforest, perfect for multigenerational living, retreats or hosted BnB, you decide.
The 3 primary living areas are "Kahi Malu", "KVC's" Studio and "Nohea".
"Kahi Malu", Place of Peace, a 2 bed/1 bath, was built in 1966 of redwood/cedar and features Koa hardwood floors throughout. Built old style, single wall, it includes baseboard electric heaters as well as a gas fireplace in the living area. Among recent upgrades are an added exterior wall of cedar siding, making the house double wall, and a new roof installed in 2024. Granite counters, custom cabinets of clear fir and cedar plus custom built-ins, complete this pretty picture.
"KVC's" , Kate's Volcano Cottage, was originally a 480 sqft workshop/carport with bathroom. In 2000 the space was re-purposed as a large studio with full kitchen, walk in shower and 160 sqft covered deck. Cedar shake exterior, pine interior, wood floors and Oak countertop at kitchen and breakfast bar show quality of workmanship.
"Nohea" , a Place of Beauty, is a gorgeous 1bed/1 bath built in 2004. Cathedral ceilings, skylights, large windows and stained glass accents are a few of the craftsman features of this beauty! Granite counters in kitchen, gas fireplace, window seats, built-in bench at dining table, large walk in shower and an individual washer/dryer all add value.
Each cottage is being sold "turnkey" with furnishings and appliances as shown. Some personal art is not included. A basic inventory will be provided during Inspection.
See Virtual Video at tool bar for property overview.
19-3946 Laukapu Ave Volcano 96785 is listed Courtesy of Aloha Sotheby's International Realty Inc.
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