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Single Family Home in Olaa Summer Lots - Puna Hawaii
Offering this renovated 3bedroom/2 bath home in Volcano Village. Experience the cool climate, the fresh air, the close knit community, and the tropical lush foliage that makes Volcano Village such a desirable location. This property is literally walking distance to schools, shopping and dining. The yard is large and open with natural plants throughout, including a persimmon tree. There is a firepit in the yard, perfect for relaxing around on those cold chilly evenings or entertaining outdoors. A fresh paint job on the inside and the outside make everything clean and bright. Many modern updates to the property but still maintaining the classic charm. Hardwood floors have been finished to shine for the new owners, as well as the matching butcherblock countertops. Beautiful porcelain floors in kitchen and bathroom, new fixtures & lights throughout are just some of the things that make this such a great property. An additional 200+ sf room to be used as office, exercise room, etc + another bathroom is also included in county records as you step in from the carport, bringing the actual space to approx. 1200sf.
19-4035 Haunani Rd Volcano 96785 is listed Courtesy of Home Suite Homes Realty Hawaii
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