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Single Family Home in Orchid Land Estates - Puna Hawaii
Welcome to this enchanting retreat in Orchidland. Multiple unpermitted structures populate this 3 acre property, providing a serene off-grid lifestyle. The main cabin includes a half bathroom, and a cozy loft. Another cabin has a kitchen area, as well an open air second floor. There is a greenhouse, two open air cabins, a utility shed, and enclosed areas for chickens. Solar power system has recently been purchased, but has not been fully installed. Catchment tank is functional but, but does not have roof drainage pipes installed. Many upgrades to the structures have been made by the current owner.
Main Cabin:
- Earth removed from under cabin for new footers and improved foundation.
- Subfloor added over existing 2x6 flooring.
- Insulation added to floors and ceiling.
- New sheetrock, shiplap, and laminate flooring installed.
- New double pane windows installed.
- Loft area has been completely refurbished.
Utility Cabin:
- Newly built
- Anchored to the rock and new footers built.
- Water lines have been run to exterior of cabin for a washer.
- Solar battery and inverter housed securely in cabin.
- Two have been converted to screened, open air cabins.
- Platforms built for queen beds in each.
- Solar lighting and throughout each providing a truly serene atmosphere, especially
at night.
Landscaping has been added throughout the property along with a new walkway to the loft cabin. Recently painted kitchen area with a dishwasher and propane oven with range. Don't wait to make this tranquil retreat yours! Schedule a showing today.
16-1412 40Th Ave Kurtistown 96760 is listed Courtesy of Kw Big Island
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