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Single Family Home in Puna Beach Palisades - Puna Hawaii
Tiny houses are very popular these days and when you see this wonderful little house you will know why. Bright and cheerful with everything you need to be comfortable. The main house has one bedroom and a fully equipped kitchen and storage area. A separate bathroom and outdoor shower make for complete off the grid living with a photovoltaic system, large catchment tank, high speed internet and land line. Best of all it sits on one of the nicest lots in Puna Beach Palisades with a GREAT OCEAN VIEW! The lot has been terraced into 3 sections, each with mature tropical fruit trees and nice open lawns. The house is located at the top terrace, adjacent to a large State owned parcel unlikely to be developed any time soon. Sit out on the open patio and enjoy the ocean views in complete privacy, surrounded by beautiful, mature palm trees and tropical fruit like Mango, Star Fruit, Avocado, and many others.
Puna Beach Palisades is a highly sought after location because the lots are nearly half an acre and it is close to so many wonderful places. Kehena Beach with friendly dolphins is right there and it's only 15 minutes to Pahoa for shopping. Just down the beautiful and "Scenic" Red Road is Old Hawaii at Uncle Roberts. There is a small store, Awa bar, Farmer's market, and many other activities. In the other direction along the rugged Puna Coast are several State Parks, including Pohoiki with it's thermal ponds to soak in and Hawaii's newest black sand beach.
All furnishings are included with the sale.
12-132 Kipuka Pahoa 96778 is listed Courtesy of Seaview Real Estate
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